Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I heart Chelsea Handler.... and you should too.

So, one night a several months ago I was flipping through channels on my tv and I came across Chelsea Lately. I had heard about the show through friends, but I just never got into it for whatever reason. Boy was I missing out. This woman is absolutely HILARIOUS. I have become addicted to this show and I watch it every single night. She talks shit about everyone and I love it. Her most frequent targets are the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus. Funny stuff, y'all. I cannot forget about Chuy, Chelsea's assistant. He is the cutest little guy I have ever seen. Chelsea likes to call him her " little mexican nugget" sometimes. I sound like a total fangirl and truth is, I am. This woman is awesome and if you don't watch her show, you should. You won't regret it. Unless you don't like dry, sarcastic humor....then you are shit out of luck, my friend.

Here is a link to the little skit she had on last night's show. Freaking amazing.

I honestly don't know why I write these posts like I have thousands of followers who don't know me. Just go with it... LOL.



  1. OHHH Mandi, ILY for real.
    Chelsea wins at life. and so do you, duh!

  2. *gasp* How dare you not post Chelsea does Krav Maga!

    it's only the BEST one!!

    "take the UNCLE GARY!" ... "Stole my virginity!!"

    Classic <3

    Chuy is also classic <3
